National Sales Inc. has been appointed as the Canadian Sales Agency for Goodyear Belts.
The Goodyear Belts program serves industrial, automotive, truck and bus, and lawn and garden industries.
Goodyear Belts is a licensee collaboration between Adventry and The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company.
Goodyear Belts’ new line features broad application coverage that meets or exceeds OEM specifications, refined engineering and advanced manufacturing.
- Drive Belt Tensioner and Pulleys
- Engine Timing Components
- Multi V-Belt Drive Kits
- Multi V-Belts
- V-Belts
Belt materials for both standard and specialty belts have been designed and tested to provide dependable and durable service.
For more information on Goodyear belts, contact your NSI representative or visit www.goodyearbelts.com.
About Adventry
Based in Miami Lakes, Florida, Adventry was founded by a group of entrepreneurs of diverse backgrounds and extensive experience for the sole purpose of developing and commercializing belts under a license agreement with The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.
About National Sales Inc.
A Canada-Wide, Professional Sales Force Established to Represent Manufacturers in the Automotive, Power Sports, Performance, Industrial, and Heavy Duty Truck Parts Industries.